Ledger Live Not Updating (9 Fixes to Try Out)

Ledger Live Not Updating

If you’re a Ledger user and currently facing an issue where your Ledger Live app is not updating properly, then you are not alone! Numerous users (including myself) have experienced the problem at one time or another.

But don’t worry, there are a few steps you can take to try and fix this issue. In this article, we’ll go over some simple troubleshooting tips to help you get your Ledger Live app updating again. For those that are looking for quick answers:

If your Ledger Live application is not updating, first make sure that your internet connection and Ledger Services are stable and working. Try restarting the application and if updating still doesn’t work then uninstall and reinstall Ledger Live manually.

Let’s look at these and other potential solutions and troubleshooting steps in more detail!

Check Your Internet Connection

The first thing you should do when your Ledger Live app isn’t updating is to check your internet connection. Try opening Google.com or Facebook.com (or any other popular and robust site) to see if there are any unexpected issues with your internet connection.

If those sites are loading fine, then your connection is fine and you can move to the next solution in the article. If however, the sites are not loading you have likely found the root cause of your issue and you try restarting your router or contacting your internet service provider.

It’s also worth testing the Ledger Live update with another network connection. For example, you could try creating a mobile hotspot and connecting to that instead of your home or office WiFi. If the update works with the mobile hotspot, then your main internet connection is likely blocking the access to Ledger servers.

Restart the Ledger Live App

If your internet connection is fine and you’re still having trouble updating Ledger Live, the next thing you should try is restarting the app. So go ahead and close the Ledger Live application, open it again and see if the update process now works.

Check the Status of Ledger Services

If restarting the app doesn’t work, the next thing you should do is check the status of Ledger services. You can do this by going to https://status.ledger.com/ in your web browser.

Expand the “Ledger Live Manager” tab and see if the “Ledger Application Store” and “Ledger Live Security Services” statuses are showing as “Operational”.

Ledger Live Manager Status

If the status is showing as “Degraded Performance” or “Outage“, then there is likely be a problem with the Ledger Live servers that is causing the issues with the application update. In that case, you’ll just have to wait for the issue to be resolved by Ledger.

Uninstall / Reinstall Ledger Live Manually

If the issue is not with your internet connection or the Ledger Live servers, the next thing you should try is uninstalling and reinstalling the Ledger Live app. If you are a Windows user, follow these steps:

  1. Open “Add or remove programs
  2. Locate Ledger Live, and uninstall it.
  3. Go to the Ledger website (https://www.ledger.com/ledger-live)
  4. Download the latest setup file.
  5. Run the setup file to reinstall the Ledger Live app.

This way you will have automatically downloaded the latest Ledger Live version that is currently available and installed it on your computer.

Disable Firewall / Antivirus

If uninstalling and reinstalling the Ledger Live app doesn’t fix the issue, the next thing you should try is disabling your firewall and antivirus. Sometimes, these services can block the connection to the Ledger download servers, causing update issues.

To disable your firewall and antivirus, follow the instructions for your specific software (Google is your friend here). Once disabled, try updating Ledger Live again. If the update works, make sure to re-enable your firewall and antivirus and whitelist the Ledger Live application so that it’s not blocked in the future.

Reset Ledger Live

If none of the previous steps have worked, the next thing you can try is resetting Ledger Live. This will delete all app-related data and may fix any issues you’re having with the app. Follow these steps to reset Ledger Live:

  1. Open the Ledger Live application
  2. Open Settings (cogwheel on top-right)
  3. Open Help tab
  4. Scroll down and select Reset
Reset Ledger Live

Keep in mind that this will delete all of your account data and configurations. If you are unsure about resetting Ledger Live, click on the link to read my previous article explaining the whole process in more detail.

An (unofficial) way to back up and restore your account data is the following:

  1. Press the Windows key and R (this will open the Run window).
  2. Type in “%appdata%” and press Enter.
  3. Locate the Ledger Live folder
  4. Make a copy of it to a secure location
  5. After you reinstall Ledger Live, you can copy the contents of the backup folder into the new Ledger Live folder.

Like I said earlier, keep in mind that this method for backing up your Ledger Live data is experimental and may (or may not) work in your case. Be ready that you still have to manually re-configure all your Ledger Live settings.

Use Another Device

If resetting Ledger Live doesn’t fix the issue, you may want to try installing the app on another device, such as a phone, tablet, or another computer. This can help you determine whether the issue is with the app itself or with your specific device.

Contact Ledger Support

If you’ve tried all of the above steps and you’re still having trouble updating Ledger Live, it may be time to contact Ledger support. Be sure to describe the issue and the things you’ve tried in as much detail as possible.

Also, include the logs in your customer request ticket. To save the logs:

  1. Open Ledger Live Settings,
  2. Click on the Help tab
  3. Navigate to the “Save logs” section
  4. Click “Save” and choose where you want to save the logs

Once saved, make sure to include the saved logs JSON file in your customer request ticket. This will help the support team to get to the bottom of the root cause more quickly.

And that’s all from me for now! I hope this article was useful and helped you get Leger Live updated properly.

Martin Rakver

I am a software engineer and tech enthusiast. During my free time, I like to immerse myself in the world of blockchain and virtual and augmented reality which I believe will be more and more prominent in the years to come.

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