Can You Log Out of Ledger Live? (Protect your Privacy)

Ledger Live Password Lock is closest go logging out of the application

If you’re using Ledger Live to manage your crypto assets, you may have wondered if there’s a way to log out of the application.

Whether you are sharing a computer between family members or temporarily setting Ledger Live up on a new computer, there are numerous reasons and scenarios where you would want to log out of the Ledger Live application after using it. But can you actually do it? The short answer is:

Ledger Live does not have a “log out” functionality. However, you can enable “Password Lock” from the application settings to prompt for your password each time you close and open Ledger Live (or after locking the application manually).

In addition to “Password lock”, I am also going to describe other ways to protect your privacy and limit other people’s access to your Ledger Live later on in the article. So without further ado, let’s get started!

There is no Sign-Out Option In Ledger Live

As stated in the introduction, there is no option to log out of Ledger Live. This means that if you leave your PC and/or app open on a shared device, anyone with access to that device can potentially come and view your portfolio and transaction history.

The closest thing to logging out of Ledger Live is enabling the “Password lock” function, which prompts you to re-enter the password each time you restart the application or lock the application manually. More on that later on in the article.

Your funds are safe! Making actual transfers from your cold storage accounts requires connecting the Ledger hardware wallet and using it to sign the transactions. Nobody can move your funds by just getting access to your Ledger Live application (without also having access to the wallet or seed phrase)

While it’s not possible to transfer funds out of your Ledger wallet without the physical device, it’s still important to consider the potential risks associated with others seeing your investments and financial information.

In the following sections, we’ll explore some alternative solutions that you can use to protect your privacy when using Ledger Live.

Alternatives to Logging Out of Ledger Live

While there isn’t a traditional sign-out option, there are still ways that you can protect your privacy and security when using Ledger Live. Here are a few alternatives (depending on your specific situation and end goal) that you might want to consider.

When you don’t find a suitable solution here, go ahead and also check my previous article about hiding accounts in Ledger Live which offers several ways to optimize your privacy and protect your financial information.

Enable Discreet Mode

One option is to enable discreet mode, which is a feature of Ledger Live that hides your balance totals and transaction amounts by replacing them with asterisks.

Ledger Live Discreet Mode

This can be a useful way to keep your asset allocation private (e.g when someone might be looking over your shoulder) while still allowing you to access and manage them through Ledger Live.

To enable discreet mode in Ledger Live, simply click on the “eye” icon on the top right menu bar (and click again to disable it). The setting change is persistent between restarts and you don’t have manually re-enable each time you open the application.

Keep in mind that this feature only hides the data from view within the app. Anyone with access to your Ledger Live application can disable the “Discreet mode” manually to reveal your asset and portfolio value.

Enable Ledger Live Password Lock

Another option is to set up a password lock for Ledger Live. This will require you to enter a password each time you manually lock the application or close and reopen it. This can be a good way to ensure that only you have access to your Ledger Live on a shared device.

To enable “password lock” in Ledger Live:

  1. Click on the Settings icon in the top right corner
  2. Click the Password lock toggle.
  3. Choose your password in the window that opens.
  4. Enter your password again to confirm.
  5. Click Save.

After enabling the functionality, you will see a new “lock” icon appear in the top right menu, which can be used to manually lock your Ledger Live application.

You will also have to enter the password each time you close and then open the Ledger Live application (e.g after restarting your PC).

Use Separate PC User Accounts

If you’re using Ledger Live on a shared PC, you can create separate user accounts for each family member (or another group of people). And here I mean different accounts on the operating system level (Windows, macOS, Linux, etc).

Having different user accounts for each person adds an extra security layer (others have to know your password), whilst also allowing each user to have a separate Ledger Live installation.

If there are multiple people using Ledger Live (on the same computer), this is pretty much the only way to properly manage your assets (avoid accounts added by other people) and protects your privacy.

Reset Ledger Live (Delete All Data)

There are cases where you may have to use a temporary PC to install Ledger Live and manage your crypto assets. After completing your actions, it might be wise to remove the application and cover your tracks (if you don’t plan on using this specific device again).

If you want to completely erase all data from your Ledger Live installation, you can reset the app and delete all application data. This will remove all your accounts, total balance, transaction history and settings. In essence, it returns Ledger Live to its “factory state” as if no personal changes have ever been made.

Follow these steps to reset Ledger Live:

  1. Open Ledger Live.
  2. Click on the “Settings” icon in the top right corner of the screen.

    Open Ledger Live Settings
  3. Open the Help tab from settings.

    Ledger Live Settings Help Tab
  4. Scroll down to the end to find the “Reset Ledger Live” option
  5. Click on Reset

    Reset Ledger Live
  6. Confirm that you want to reset Ledger Live by clicking Reset.

If you are worried about resetting Ledger Live, you can click on the link to read my previous article explaining the process and what to do before and after in more detail.

So in conclusion, while there is no sign-out option for Ledger Live, there are still ways that you can protect your privacy and security while using the app. From discreet mode and password lock to creating separate user accounts and resetting the app, there are a variety of options available to you. Choose the one that best meets your needs and provides the level of security that you’re comfortable with.

Martin Rakver

I am a software engineer and tech enthusiast. During my free time, I like to immerse myself in the world of blockchain and virtual and augmented reality which I believe will be more and more prominent in the years to come.

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